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Step 2 supporting schools around Ofsted...

The ‘Ofsted Big Listen’ report has been released recently – there are and will continue to be discussions about the impact of the coming changes. As a partner of many schools throughout Bradford, Step 2 recognises the ripple effect that any such assessment has on schools, it’s staff and also, it’s children and young people. For the very passionately dedicated schools and staff we support, the evidence of impact, progress and safeguarding can be demanding on their time, resources and wellbeing.

Step 2’s offering of projects, education and support for their children and young people plays a part in helping schools to deliver all they are asked. Group sessions and programmes on a wide range of themes such as sexual health, healthy relationships, and emotional wellbeing – all help to support schools in providing accessible and reliable education to children and young people. Not only this but the benefit of having professionals from outside of school, can give young people the option of speaking with trustworthy adults about topics they may not feel able to talk to staff about. A local school who recruited us to deliver education on healthy relationships shared this;

“Thank you also to all of your team who enabled the students to deal with some awkward and tricky subjects in such a mature way.”

Step 2 continues to offer a wide range of educational and straight-talking sessions and programmes for schools. Delivered by our fantastic and knowledgeable team, create a package of sessions or programmes according to your requirements – Chloe (Relationship & Wellbeing Service Lead) can help you find what you need. Contact Chloe 


Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in their care, is becoming an increasingly large responsibility for schools to manage. With cuts to funding for many places which have usually supported in this, along with huge wait lists and pressures on NHS services – the weight is then usually taken on by the education sector. Step 2 and organisations like us are therefore even more crucial to helping support schools and their children and young people. For over a decade Step 2 has been a providing counselling service and Step 2 counselling has been a regular provision in many of Bradford’s schools, and it’s growing year on year. One of our primary school partners had this to say…

“…we have used all aspects of Step2’s repertoire of support, including a bereavement counsellor and it is undoubtedly part of the reason the school was judged to be outstanding in all areas during OFSTED. They particularly referred to how safe children feel coming to school.”

Step 2 counselling for schools is a must have provision to help support schools in supporting their children and young people. We have a fantastic team of qualified and professionally registered counsellors who are providing person centred counselling to students all over Bradford.

Safeguarding is another enormously vital duty that schools have to fulfil – and one in direct contact with Ofsted inspections. The responsibility that the school and safeguarding leads have in keeping children and young people safe is vast – and it takes a village. Step 2 supervision has been supporting safeguarding leads in schools for a number of years now, and the need for staff support is crucial, and growing. Step 2 supervisors are passionate about facilitating space for school staff and safeguarding leads to; work through challenging cases, reflect on the complex nature of their work and take space for their own wellbeing. The proposed Ofsted changes for safeguarding to be reported in a separate and more nuanced way, may be a step toward positive change. However, the significance of safeguarding and the load it carries for staff doesn’t change. Feedback to Step 2 has been that 75% of staff agreed that Step 2 supervisions were helpful in supporting their wellbeing. A staff member shared that:

“…the supervision sessions I received were unbelievably helpful for me as a person and as a professional.”

Step 2 maintains a commitment to provide safe, separate and supportive spaces for staff and safeguarding leads. To find out more about Step 2 counselling or supervision offerings for your staff and students, get in touch with Gurchehn (Counselling Service Lead) 

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