
We know that it’s not always easy for parents and carers to support their children, particularly as they move through their teenage years. No matter how well you get on with your child, there can be times when it is difficult to talk to them.
We can offer a range of support to help with this. Our free counselling for children and young people is one of these.
How counsellors can help
We offer counselling to 11-18 year olds. Working with a counsellor who is independent and non-judgemental can give your child the safe, confidential space to talk through any issues, experiences, problems and feelings they are worried about or find difficult.
Counselling can help young people to start to work through these worries and problems, building their confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to move forward again and feel happier.

Will I be present at the counselling sessions?
No, parents and carers are not present at the counselling sessions as they are confidential spaces. However, parents are welcome to meet their child’s counsellor before the work begins and ask any questions they may have about the work.
We encourage parents and carers to be actively involved in bringing their child to the sessions, wherever possible, and to embrace the fact that this is a safe and confidential space for their child. Our Service Lead is available to you for any concerns you may have.
What is discussed during counselling sessions is confidential, but your child is told that the counsellor may discuss their problems with other people and agencies, and get help from them, if they think the young person is at risk or in danger.
Issues counsellors can help with
In today’s society there are many issues which can affect young people. Our counsellors can help with:
Peer relationships
Schoolwork and exam pressures
Depression and anxiety
Family relationships
Family separations and changes
Gender and sexuality issues
Bereavement and loss
Alcohol and substance misuse
Eating disorders
Impact of social media
Effects of physical, emotional or sexual abuse
Effects of domestic abuse
Our counsellors
Our team of counsellors are experienced in working with young people and are all fully qualified, registered members of BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) or other professional body, adhering to the Ethical Framework for good practice.
Our counsellors are required to provide references to show their suitability for the post and pass appropriate police checks. They are all required to attend monthly clinical supervision to oversee and safeguard their work, in line with BACP guidance.
What should I do if I think my child needs counselling?
Talk to your child about counselling, show them this website and see what they think. We know that counselling works best when young people feel it has been their choice to attend rather than being told to come.
If your young person decides they want to attend, it can help to show an interest and facilitate them coming to sessions. Although in some cases, your young person may not wish you to do this, in which case it is best to allow them to be independent.
How to access counselling
Once you have spoken with your young person about counselling and they have agreed they’d like to try it out, complete the referral form, or contact us on 01274 720185. We will contact you as soon as an appointment becomes available.
We try to see people as quickly as possible but sometimes there is a waiting time. Your young person will be offered a choice of in-person counselling or remote counselling via secure video link.
You may drop your young person off at the start of their sessions and collect them at the end. The sessions last for 50mins. You are welcome to ask to meet with counsellor at the start of the first session, before the work begins, so you know who your young person is seeing. However, please remember that the counsellor will not be able to share the content of the counselling sessions with you.
At the first session
In the first session the counsellor will explain how they work and decide together with your child what the focus of the work will be. Your child will be given a choice about whether to return. If they choose to engage, they will be asked to attend every week for six weeks.
After six weeks, the counsellor and young person will review the work and decide whether to continue for another six weeks, but if your young person feels they have done enough, they will end the work there.
For more information please contact:, 01274 720185 or 07985 127097.